Terms and Conditions of Service – End Users

Please read these Terms & Conditions carefully before signing up to the TriggerPay service (“the service”).  By using the TriggerPay service you agree to be bound by these Terms & Conditions.  Please also read our Privacy Policy which explains how we will use and safeguard your personal data in line with our statutory requirements.

1 The TriggerPay Service

1.1 The service is a payment initiation service that enables you to make payments directly from your chosen financial institution to a given merchant that you are paying.  This service is currently available to UK residents only.

1.2 To enable the service we will pass your payment instruction to your financial account provider via a secure interface.  We use the payment rails (infrastructure that carries money between a payer and a payee) provided by our partner, Sentenial Limited, trading as Nuapay, (https://www.nuapay.com) to achieve this. This ensures that all our transactions are covered by the Financial Conduct Authority (under FRN 624067) for the provision of payment services.

1.3 We will provide you with a clear confirmation that the payment has been successfully initiated, or in extremely rare circumstances, advise you in the case of any issues preventing a successful payment.

2 About TriggerPay and Your Transaction(s)

2.1 TriggerPay is a UK service owned and run wholly by a UK company, TriggerAppy Ltd.  Your transaction narrative will show as TriggerAppy Ltd.

3 Our Requirements of You

3.1 You accept that your right to access and benefit from the service is personal to you and is not transferable.

3.2 The information you submit must be accurate, complete, and current and must not provide a false impression of your identity.

3.3 You must not use the service for any unlawful or fraudulent purpose.

3.4 You must not attempt to copy or impact the service in any way, or facilitate/encourage any other party to do so.

3.5 You must inform both your financial institution and us immediately if you know or suspect that a transaction from one of your accounts was initiated by our service without your knowledge or consent.

4 Our Liability

4.1 We are liable under law for loss or damage you may suffer that is a direct foreseeable result of us failing to uphold this agreement or acting negligently.

4.2 We are not liable for any other loss or damage that may arise from your use of this service where the responsibility for such loss or damage resides with other parties to the transaction, such as your account holding institution.

4.3 We are not liable for any loss or damage suffered due to any unauthorised access to your account if you failed to take reasonable action to protect against such breaches or if you failed to communicate to us as soon as you became aware of any security breach.

4.4 We are not liable in any case where you have acted fraudulently or illegally.

5 Restriction of service

5.1 We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently stop you using the service in the following instances.

5.2 You provide incomplete or false information.

5.3 We have not received a valid consent to initiate a payment.

5.4 A payment is likely to fail, for example due to insufficient funds being available in a given payment account.

5.5 A payment is suspected of being unlawful or fraudulent.

5.6 We are required by law to prevent a payment initiation request.

6 Communications & Complaints

6.1 Should we need to contact you, we shall do so in the first instance by using your email address provided during the sign up process.

6.2 If you need to contact us for any reason, including in raising a complaint, please contact us via email at info@triggerappy.co.uk.  In the case of a complaint we will confirm receipt of your complaint within five business days, and from that point on keep you updated, with a clear commitment to endeavouring to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

6.3 If you remain dissatisfied you have recourse to refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman using the contact details below.

Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London E14 9SR

Telephone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123



7 Data Protection

7.1 By using this service you explicitly consent to us using your personal data.  Further details on this and how we comply with our statutory requirements can be found here.

8 Third Party Involvement

8.1 We reserve the right to work with third parties in the delivery of this service.  This may include subcontracting, delegation or assignment in any or all parts of the service covered by this agreement.

9 About us

9.1 TriggerPay is a service wholly owned by TriggerAppy Ltd, a registered company (company number NI603739) with offices at 71 Castleward Road, Downpatrick, BT30 7JU.

10 Laws relevant to this agreement

10.1 This agreement (and all our dealings with you before the agreement) is governed by the laws of Northern Ireland.

10.2 Any dispute that arises regarding this agreement will be dealt with by the courts of that part of the United Kingdom that you live in.  However, you can always choose to have your dispute heard in a different nation of the union if you would prefer.

11 Variation

11.1 TriggerAppy Ltd reserves the right to revise these Terms & Conditions at any time.  It is therefore recommended that you check this page at regular intervals.

11.2 The current version is valid from 1st March 2023.